Mistaking an Israeli deaf bus passenger for a Palestinian suicide bomber suspect, an Israeli soldier shot him on May 26th according to South Africa’s ‘Independent News’. Israeli security forces and Israeli citizens have been vigilant for possible attacks and in certain cases have prevented bombings and shootings. There have, however, been unfortunate circumstances where innocent people were shot. In Sunday’s shooting, the Egged bus driver became suspicious when a 25-year old man got on the bus in Kfar Sava headed for Tel Aviv and silently paid for his fare with a large bill, a 50 shekel note, something that suicide bombers usually do according to police superintendent Yossi Almoslinos.
An IDF spokesperson says the military police are investigating. Aaron Ini with B’Kol, the Organization of Hard of Hearing and Deaf People in Israel, called the incident, “grave and shocking.” He called on the army to give soldiers instructions that take into account the deaf and hearing impaired. A week previously, a deaf, mentally ill Israeli citizen belonging to the Samaritan sect got shot while wandering near a Jewish settlement in the West Bank. He did not hear the soldiers’ calls to halt. Alan Cohen, a psychologist at the Community Stress Prevention Center in Kiryat Shmona, said he’s surprised mistakes don’t happen more often. “People are working under quite a bit of tension and are feeling like they are under a threat,” Cohen said. “If you go into a cafe or ride a bus in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem you would see there’s a much greater level of awareness then anywhere else in the world.”