David Lazarus, staff reporter with The Canadian Jewish News reported on Thursday, February 8, 2001 that nine year old Ryan Duchoeny is scheduled to get his cochlear implant on March 5th. While Duchoeny’s father battles with Quebec health officials for funding, the community has raised half of the funds needed for the surgery which will take place at the Fletcher Allen Memorial Health Care Centre in Burlington, VT and will cost cost $36,000 (US). He credits the Jewish community for helping to raise some of the funds.

Shirley Roll, a member of Duchoeny’s synagogue in Chomedeyand active with Federation CJA spearheaded the fund-raising campaign and asked local rabbis to bring attention to Ryan’s situation from their pulpits. In addition, the Canadian Jewish Congress, Quebec region sent a letter to Health Minister Pauline Marois asking her to review the matter. Ryan’s case, largely through his efforts, made headlines across the province after a report was published indicating that Quebec Medicare was paying for breast enlargement surgery on a 15 year-old girl. Critics have slammed Quebec’s policy on cochlear implants. Only 40 cochlear implants are performed annually in the province, compared to hundreds in Ontario. Also in Quebec, there is a list of 125 families waiting an average of two years for the surgery. Only one surgeon, Dr. Pierre Ferron at Quebec City’s Hotel-Dieu Hospital – who said that Ryan did not qualify because of his age and ability to “sign” – performs the procedure. Despite the negative publicity, Marois declined to allocate more funds to make the operation more widely accessible and timely, saying her budget would not allow it. Duchoeny suspects the real reason is the $35,000 each cochlear implant device costs. Duchoeny said despite the go-ahead for Ryan’s surgery, he has every intention of pursuing Quebec Medicare for full reimbursement. At this writing, he was still waiting for a date to appear before a tribunal to appeal Quebec’s refusal to do the surgery. Duchoeny has also brought the case before the Quebec Human Rights Commission, alleging discrimination against his son. Duchoeny said if he does get reimbursed by Quebec for the surgery, all the funds raised by the Jewish Community Foundation would be reserved for the next person in need of a cochlear implant.

Published On: 1 Iyyar 5770 (1 Iyyar 5770 (April 15, 2010))