Isaac Schaeffer celebrated his bar mitzvah at Temple Sinai in Newington, CT on October 9th. Schaeffer, who is profoundly deaf, led the hearing congregation in sign language. In reading from the Torah, Schaeffer also even used Hebrew Sign Language. The entire service was interpreted and Rabbi Bennett also signed the blessing. The Schaeffer parents say “we know there are Jewish parents struggling with how to bar mitzvah their Deaf child and we would be happy to share our experiences. One year ago when we picked a date for Isaac’s bar mitzvah we did not know how it could be done. Now that it is complete we can only say it was a wonderful event. We have come to believe that G-d understands and accepts prayers in sign language.”

Published On: 2 Iyyar 5770 (2 Iyyar 5770 (April 16, 2010))