Deaf association looking to youth – Daniel Clements

D_ClementsCommunity News, The
3 Mar 2011 – 2:05pm

Criminology student Daniel Clements has become the youngest appointee to the Jewish Deaf Association’s trustee board and will liaise with the JDA members’ forum.

Daniel, 19, has had moderate hearing loss from birth. Involved with the JDA from childhood, he became a volunteer “to give something back to the organisation. I have always enjoyed being on the receiving end of the services provided to our members.”

His extended JDA role would offer a “stimulating contrast to my regular studies.

“However, there is a crossover on the horizon as I am going to be working on a project looking at victims and perpetrators of crime with disabilities, including blind and deaf people.

Photo: Trustee Daniel Clements

“I will be liaising with voluntary organisations, gathering information on how much support is provided for disabled people involved in or affected by crime.”

The south Londoner attended Mary Hare School for the Deaf in Newbury, where he was head boy for the 2009/10 academic year.

He last year received a Jewish Child’s Day Award for his contribution to the community and has also been involved in Duke of Edinburgh gold award activities.

JDA executive director Sue Cipin said: “Having a young deaf trustee will help to broaden our understanding from a younger perspective and will be helpful in shaping the future direction of the JDA. Daniel has long been an invaluable asset.”


Published On: 5 Adar II 5771 (5 Adar II 5771 (March 11, 2011))