Here is some of the information that Rabbi Nissim Davidi discussed on January 22nd. Many missed this lecture due to the 6.8 Northridge earthquake.

All Jewish newborn boys must be circumcised on the eighth day. If you have it done at the hospital, it is not good enough because the doctor who performed the circumcision didn’t say any special blessings nor did he perform the cutting of the foreskin in the ‘Jewish way’. Anyone who wants to be recognized as a Jew must do it through a Mohel, not even a ‘Jewish Doctor’. The Mohel who performs it on the eighth day is not a medical doctor but has had training experience and has a certificate for doing these tasks.

Jaundice (yellow skin) babies can delay their eighth day brie until they are completely free of jaundice as it can be a danger if he gets circumcised. This is the same for any premature or ill babies. If one has a cesarean on Friday whether it was planned or an emergency, the bris cannot be held on Shabbos so it will be held on the ninth day. The reason for this is in the Talmud, it clearly states that one must have given natural birth to have a Shabbat bris as it is a very special honor to have a bris on Shabbos.

Mohels still use the same devices that have been used for over 2000 years. Of course medical doctors don’t do it the same way so they use different method. If a boy/man decides to become a Jew and was never circumcised, they must go into general anesthetic and have it done. If the boy/man didn’t have their circumcised done by a Mohel, they need to have a drop of blood drawn and the religious ceremony.

Published On: 3 Iyyar 5770 (3 Iyyar 5770 (April 17, 2010))