Chief rabbi: Soviet ‘goyim’ immigrants are enemies of religion

Posted byu/sabata00
7 January 2020

[Editor’s Note: This comment was posted on a reditt Forum]:

“Anat and Shmuel were married in yesterday’s ceremony because the chief rabbinate, which controls legal mandate over Jewish weddings in Israel, doesn’t recognize Shmuel as Jewish. Despite his birth in Israel, service in the IDF, and living Jewishly for his entire life, when his mother died and he tried to arrange for her burial, the Israeli rabbinate informed Shmuel that they did not recognize her conversion – performed 30 years earlier in Romania – because she was hearing impaired, and the rabbinate doesn’t recognize conversions of people who are hearing impaired. As a result, she wasn’t buried in a Jewish cemetery and her children are not recognized as Jews. Nonetheless, Shmuel remains committed to Judaism and to building a Jewish home with his wife, Anat.”


Published On: 7 Shevat 5780 (7 Shevat 5780 (February 2, 2020))