Chai Hour – new monthly gathering, NYC

Chai Hour - new monthly gathering, NYC

The Jewish Deaf Foundation announces a new event called Chai Hour, “a monthly gathering to reconnect with other Jewish deaf people in the great city of New York. For too long, we’ve been scattered all over the city, and unable to share what we have in common — our Jewish heritage, and our Deaf culture.

“Now we have an opportunity to connect in a fun, passionate way that truly engages us about our Jewish heritage. It’s your chance to come, enjoy some light refreshments, and meet great and highly fascinating deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing people.”

The first Chai Hour event will be held on January 17th with presentation, “Wait, We Aren’t Greeks? How Western Society is Founded on Jewish Values.”

The event starts at 4 p.m. promptly.
Presenters include:
Thursday, February 18 at 7pm
Exploring Identity Through JeDe’VIA Artwork
presented by Hinda Kasher

Sunday, March 13 at 4pm
How the Media Keeps Getting It Wrong About Israel – And What We Can Do About It
presented by David Michalowski
For information, go to Chai Hour page –

Source: The Jewish Deaf Foundation


Published On: 23 Shevat 5776 (23 Shevat 5776 (February 2, 2016))