Brooklyn Hebrew Society of the Deaf’s Sisterhood celebrated its 25th anniversary on November 5th. Ninety four people attended the celebration in Brooklyn. NY. BHSD honored its founders Susan Greenberg, Janet Siegel and Flo Siegel who started the Sisterhood in 1975. Randy Sue Rothman was Mistress of Ceremonies and Eileen Katz is currently president of the Sisterhood. Guest speaker was Marla Berkowitz who spoke on ‘Thinking About our Future And Old Age”. Awards were also presented: Helen Piseak and Susan Saperstein received the Woman of the Year award, Dorothy Pakula and Sara Barrett received the Appreciation Award. A video of the event is available for $20 by contacting Barry Rothman at 718/357-3114. Rothman just took over BHSD presidency from Bernice Farr who is now vice president. Liz Voros is secretary along with Robert Penn as Treasurer and Natalie Rosen as editor.

Published On: 1 Iyyar 5770 (1 Iyyar 5770 (April 15, 2010))