August Video and Blog Postings from JDMM

parshasdevarimParshas Shoftim
“Shoftim” means to judge.

There are two kinds of judgment – an external one, or an internal one. How can we use the power of judgment for our own benefit?


Parshas Re’eh
In this week’s parsha, Joshua Soudakoff discusses the profound theme of life choices. “We all have the power to define our lives through our choices. What connection is there between a Swedish man named Alfred Nobel and our choices in life?”

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Parshas Vaeschanan
One of the passages in this week’s parsha is well-known as the Shema prayer. We recite this prayer two times a day, in the morning and at night. What do you think is the message of the Shema prayer?

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The Shema Prayer – translated to ASL with English subtitles and Hebrew text.
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Parshas Devarim
Sleeping has a very important role in the life of a Jew. What is it? And why is it connected to this week’s parsha?

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Parshas Eikev
“Eikev” literally means “heel” – the lowest part of the body. But it can also refer to the commandments that we view as insignificant – the commandments that “we trample over with our heels.”

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Source: Jewish Deaf Multimedia (JDMM).

Published On: 26 Av 5771 (26 Av 5771 (August 26, 2011))