ASL High Holy Day Update – Metro DC

Update from Washington Society of Jewish Deaf – ASL High Holy Days are interactive and highly participatory. Are you interested reciting a prayer, song, or a reading in American Sign Language? Materials will be given in advance to give you an opportunity to practice. Guidance will be available through the Spiritual Service Committee.

This year’s ASL High Holy Day services will be led by Hillel Goldberg and the Spiritual Service Committee. If you are interested in participating in the services, email Hillel Goldberg at [email protected].

Registration for ASL High Holy Day services will be coming soon.

Save the Dates:

  • Erev Rosh Hashanah Service and Dinner
    Sunday, September 9, 2018, Gallaudet campus in conjunction with Hillel at Gallaudet
  • Evening Rosh Hashanah Service and Reception
    Monday, September 10, 2018, Adat Shalom
  • Yom Kippur Late Afternoon Service and Break Fast
    Wednesday, September 19, 2018


Source: Washington Society of Jewish Deaf

Published On: 17 Tammuz 5778 (17 Tammuz 5778 (June 30, 2018))