Adele Podolsky to lead TBS Sisterhood

TBSsisterhoodAfter 20 years away from the Sisterhood Board of Directors at Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf, Adele Podolsky has been elected once again to serve a new term as its president from 2011-2013.

“We are now preparing for the Sisterhood’s 50th Anniversary to be held in the spring of 2012. We are currently looking for a location.” They are planning a number of fundraising events including a “mexican Train” fundraiser at Pilgrim Towers on March 26th at 10am.

New Sisterhood Board from L-R:
(back) Carol Trachtenberg,Helen Inga, Elaine Aikins,
(front) Ruth Richter, Adele Podolsky

Source: Congregation News, Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf

Published On: 4 Adar I 5771 (4 Adar I 5771 (February 8, 2011))