A Tour of the Matzah Factory

A Tour of the Matzah Factory

Deaf NYC News

Tour: Thursday, March 19th – NOON.
Where: New York City

Passover is just around the corner, and the smell of matzah fills the air. So what do you do? Come join us on a tour of Streit’s Matzah Bakery in the Lower East Side of Manhattan!

Tour starts at noon, followed by lunch at a nearby kosher restaurant. It is open to the community.

Admission to the matzah factory is free; participants buy their own lunch.

If you have any questions, please email directly to [email protected]

Source: Deaf & Hard of Hearing Interpreting Services, Inc.


Published On: 12 Shevat 5775 (12 Shevat 5775 (February 1, 2015))