“A Taste of Judaism” course in ASL

Rabbi Rebecca Dubowe offers “A Taste of Judaism” taught in ASL, a FREE, three session online program for Deaf adults who wish to explore a modern Jewish take on spirituality, values, and community. Class is held on Zoom and limited to 12 students.

This engaging, online course for Deaf adults offers opportunity to explore a modern Jewish take on spirituality, values, and community.

Open to all, this course is designed for interfaith couples, those raising Jewish children, spiritual seekers, individuals considering conversion, and anyone curious about Judaism. Wherever you are on your journey with Judaism, A Taste of Judaism is designed to be a safe and welcoming place for you to explore. Individuals and couples from all backgrounds are welcome and classes are LGBTQ-friendly. The class assumes no previous Jewish knowledge.

Participants must be present for live-sessions in American Sign Language (ASL) offered on Zoom videoconferencing. The course includes shared media and small-group discussion. Participation requires a webcam, high-speed internet access, and a computer.

Registration: urj.tfaforms.net/40?tastecourse=7014u000001NKvGAAW.

Offered by the Jewish Deaf Resource Center in partnership with the Union for Reform Judaism.

Source: reformjudaism.org/learning/judaism-classes/taste-judaismr/taste-judaismr-taught-online-american-sign-language-asl?fbclid=IwAR21ERHIJzwAqTG0jTmhk11wMFYKm9OpH8voliAVY5Uk0rIZm65IS-UMUkU

Published On: 25 Tishri 5782 (25 Tishri 5782 (October 1, 2021))