115 people attend PrePassover Seder at Gallaudet

WJSD_sederIn a report with photos by Suzanne Dahan and Steve Brenne, over 115 people attended the WSJD Pre-Passover Seder on Aril 10, 2011 in the Ole Gym at Gallaudet University in Washington, DC.

Rabbi Rebecca Dubowe, a deaf rabbi, taught how to lead the Passover Seder. The event was set up by Suzie Rosen Singleton and assisted by Dot Brenner (chopped chicken liver), Marcie Stern and Stephanie Summers (apple charoset), other committee members – Suzanne Dahan, Brooke Seltzer, Toby Silver, Naomi Brunnlerhman, Jeff and SUsan Cohen and Jeff Buxbaum as well as children from the Singleton and Buxbaum families. The volunteers set up tables and put plates and food on the tables.



WJSD reports “All went home with feeling in learning about more Passover Seder which Rabbi Rebecca Dubowe taught us. Hag Sameah to all!!!”

Over 100 photos can be viewed at web.me.com/steve.brenner/WSJD_CALENDAR/Media/slideshow.html?backgroundColor=rgb%280%2C%200%2C%200%29&reflectionHeight=100&reflectionOffset=2&captionHeight=100&fullScreen=0&transitionIndex=2

Source: Washington Society of Jewish Deaf

Published On: 21 Nisan 5771 (21 Nisan 5771 (April 25, 2011))