For some strange reason, many of you got the May/June issue pretty late as the post office resumed it all a week later to inform that it was a non-standard size so we had to fold it into halves. It finally went out that same afternoon. Despite this inconvenience, we had a nice turnout for the Kosher Mexican Night, there were twelve of us. Welcome four new teens, Jodi (Tall) Dagan, Rebecca Schoor, Jacky Szpiro, and Jake Weiss. The menu was delicious: Beef taquitos, chicken enchiladas, vegetarian burritos, chicken tacos, rice, beans, Mexican flan and mocha ice cream! It was really nice. Thanks to Del Corazon, David Eskenazi. We earned S36.00 from this fundraiser.
Teens at International Kosher Mexican Night
Jacky Szpiro, Jake Weiss, Rebecca Schoor, Tail Dagan
Calling for VOLUNTEERS to help JDCC. If you are interested in being on a committee for Chanukah or Passover, please let us know. I want to thank Susan Margolin for hosting this year’s Chanukah brunch party and Dr. Barbara Boyd, who will be the chairperson for the Passover First Night Seder on April 15, 1995. It will be held at Beth Jacob Congregation. Also thanks to Mark Friedman who will be handing future bulk mailings for JDCC.
We are offering several exciting new events: there will be teens services for Yom Kippur. It will also be held at Hillel Hebrew Academy. They will have their own services, then meet with the others for group discussion and afternoon program.
The Museum of Tolerance will be offering interpreted tours once a month starting in the fall. More information will be announced in the next issue.
There will be two children’s tours in the fall. My Jewish Discovery Place which is an interactive exhibit exploring Jewish culture, The age target is 3 to 7 years old. Everyone is welcome. There will be an art activity on the holiday of Sukicot. The Los Angeles Children’s M useum has an hands-on exhibits and the theme will be toys. See announcement in this issue.
Looking forward to seeing you all at our next event, Yom Kippur services!