Message From The Editor

Hi Readers!

In the last issue, we expanded from 8 to 12 pages and yet, there is always something that we need to add. Often people especially out of Southern California, are curious to know what JDCC is and what they offer so this column will become a permanent part of JDCC News for new readers.

For those of you that don’t know me; my family and I are expecting our third child in March so this issue is going out a bit earlier than scheduled.

We have had a busy month of activities and look forward to our next major event, the Second Annual Community Seder on April 3rd. Don’t forget to make your reservations by March 15th. Wish you all a very Happy Passover.

We are very excited to welcome Evelyn Zola who will be JDCC’s Guest Speaker with brunch on May 19th. She is well known as America’s First Lady of Deaf Senior Citizens.”‘ She resides in Concord, California. Don’t miss out this special exciting event!

Letters to the JDCC

Dear Sharon,
I enjoyed very much our telephone conversation the other day, and appreciate your sending me copies of your newsletter.

It is impressive and well done! The idea of having “wise men/women” prepare services from time to time is one we shall certainly consider at the New York Society for the Deaf.

I enclose my contribution with this letter. Keep up the good work! With kind regards and best wishes, I remain.

Stephen E. Adler
New York, NY


I got the information from Deaf-L. I am interested in checking out a Newsletter about the Jewish Deaf Community. Thanks.

Cyndl Olson
Holbrook, New York

To JDCC News,

I will be most interested to receive Information about the JDCC News – will wok forward to seeing what you have to offer. For your information I have been elected as the president of the World of Jewish Deaf – hence my interest in your newsletter. Will look forward to receiving it. Toda raba. Shalom.

David Jackson
(Ancestral paternal surname – Jankovitch)
Bristol, United Kingdom


I would be interested in your newsletter. Thanks.

Itzchak Tzvi Shohat
Phoenix, AZ

Hi Sharon,

Got the newsletter and it is great to know that JDCC has signed up on AOL. I would like to receive some news from JDCC and you can see my e-mail address here. Best regards to David. Take good care till I see you at the Expo.

Andrea Ours
Newport Coast, CA

Hi there,

What a prompt reply! Thank you.

Jean Boutcher
Washington, D.C.

Hi Sharon,

I’ll commence sharing shortly. I know of several Jewish late deafened folks and will pass your small address along to them and encourage them to make contact. Unfortunately I will not be able to make it to Deaf Expo this weekend (November ’95), but I will keep watching your newsletter and will surprise you by jumping in sometime soon. Thanks for all you do with this, it’s got to be a whole lot of not real recognized work.

Steve Silverman
Burbank, CA

Barry Strassler Responds to Rafael Pinchas Letter (Jan/Feb 1996)
A letter to the editor reopened the case of Skomorokhov, whose story appeared in the Nov/Dec issue. This letter is to make clarifications.

As typos are a way of life in the publication field, a 110-meter hurdle was erroneously written as 100-meter hurdle.

Was Skomorokhov an intelligent person or dissociated himself from the sleazy Russian crowd and did not die from assassination? Or was it the opposite? There are always conflicting views of episodes which take place every day. The writer interviewed several people while gathering material for the story. They unanimously cast Skomorokhov in a negative light.

Why didn’t Skomorokhov run in the 400-meter hurdles finals at the 1977 World Games for the Deaf that Ruberry, an American upstart, won? Again, there are conflicting versions. The consensus was that he was too proud to be defeated by an upstart and chose to be a no-show. It happened 18 years ago and the principals involved are either dead or do not remember exactly why.

Skomorokhov, without doubt, is the greatest deaf Jewish trackster ever to exist. His no-show in the 1977 race is not going to detract from his athlete luster. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for his off-track pursuits.

Published On: 2 Iyyar 5770 (2 Iyyar 5770 (April 16, 2010))