Dear Readers,

I personally want to thank Erick Posner for doing a wonderful job leading JDCC’s High Holidays. Erick led JDCC”s services and the discussion was on “What does it mean to be a Jew?” The meaning and reasons following certain Jewish laws. Understanding and knowing the meanings of our Jewish religion. How do we improve ourselves? Everyone participated in hi: group discussion. Thanks again! Also thanks to Erick for updating JDCC’s website!
I hope after reading the feature in this issue, more families will be inspire and be willing to share their experience on how they got their Jewish deaf child a Jewish or Hebrew education in a mainstream setting. Have you gone to Israel for a summer program? Did they provide an interpreter for you? Was the interpreter from the U.S. or Israel? Please share the detail; with us.

For those that are Jewish sign language interpreters, I hope you will be motivated to be a `dual’ skilled interpreter with your Hebrew and Judaism knowledge and apply it to sign language. Please do sign up to be in the Jewish Interpreter Referral Directory with Lore Rosenthal at [email protected] – your listing is free of charge. This project is sponsored by the Jewish Deaf Congress.

JDCC will be printing an updated listing of Jewish Deaf Services and Organizations as well as Rabbis that work with the Deaf. If you have change administrations, email address, or any other information since we printed the listing in the JDCC News Nov/Dec 2002 Issue. It can be a hearing Temple that provides interpreter services or a deaf program that offer programming for the Jewish Deaf Community. Please let us know by December 15th. It is free to advertise. Send it to [email protected]

Wishing you all a very Happy Chanukah!

Published On: 30 Nisan 5770 (30 Nisan 5770 (April 14, 2010))