Letters to the Editor

image I just completed my two year term as President of the National Congress of Jewish Deaf during the 21st biennial convention in Chicago, IL. on August 3rd.

There were close to 400 people who attended from all over the world. Two representatives of the World Organization of Jewish Deaf, President David Jackson of England and Secretary General Shlomo Waks of Israel presented a beautiful plaque to me as President of NCJD.

The NCJD has an award called Award of Merit which is recommended by their respective affiliates and JDCC nominated David S. Rosenbaum! Mazel Tov!

JDCC won an alertmaster (phone/door signalers) for selling the most raffle tickets to help with the convention’s fundraising.

We welcome Marla Berkowitz aboard as our East Coast correspondent on all Jewish deaf related news. We look forward to expanding new columns in the next few issues.

JDCC has printed a Jewish Calendar covering 1997-2001 on which is actually a write-on memo boards. It will be sent to over 200 organizations. If you are interested in getting one as an individual, it is now available for $5.00 plus $2.95 postage.

We will celebrate JDCC’s Fifth Anniversary next year and we would like help from people to serve on our committee.

Don’t forget to make plans to attend Deaf Expo ’96 during the weekend of November 1st at the Anaheim Convention Center. JDCC will have a booth there. If you are interested in working at JDCC’s booth, please call us! Come and visit us!

I want to thank the High Holiday Committee members, Jeff Lubman, Susan Margolin and Rabbi Fred Friedman for their hard work in making our High Holidays possible.

I wish you all a very Happy & Healthy New Year and Hag Sameach

Published On: 2 Iyyar 5770 (2 Iyyar 5770 (April 16, 2010))