Hi, Sharon,

Congrats on your article. Was tremendously impressed with what you had been through. You are the best.


Bernard Bragg


I just read the article in the JDCC about the Hebrew class for Joshua. It was very inspiring and I am so happy to see so much History taking place!!

Dena Zelig

Congratulations!! Many important changes occur due to the diligence of parents like you! Thank you for sharing your article with me.

Best regards,

Arlene Bell

Hi Sharon,

Just a brief note. I must congratulate you for your courageous. It is really too bad that you had to experience like this but thank you for sharing this with everybody.

Mazel Tov,

Art Wiesblatt

What a great article. Thanks for sharing this with us the Deaf community. Great job for your hard work.


Patricia Branz

Dear Sharon,

It was interesting to read the front article of the JDCC newsletter about your son who finally has the opportunity to learn Hebrew. Good for you and him! We know what is like to advocate for our children (even hearing so there are other challenges but basically to get what our child needs). By the way, Samuel who grew up in Israel, speaks, writes, and reads Hebrew fluently. He also knows ISL. He has taught deaf children Hebrew before. He also has degree from YU in Jewish studies.


Rachelle and Samuel Landau


You wrote a beautiful article about your efforts to gain Hebrew Language access for your son. Mazal Tov on all you have accomplished. Wishing you all the best.


Naomi Brunnlehrman

WOW I can

Published On: 30 Nisan 5770 (30 Nisan 5770 (April 14, 2010))