Letters to the Editor

editor2A Message From The Editor

Hi Readers!

Barry Strassler has informed us that due to great demand for his time with his electronic news service, Deaf Digest, he is unable to continue as columnist with JDCC News. He has been writing for three years and we are sorry to see him leave. We thank Barry for his wonderful columns and wish him the best of luck.

The JDCC Mini Chanukah Carnival was a success – see more info on page 17. We donated remaining hot dogs and chips to TRIPOD, a pre-school program for deaf and hearing children nearby for their last day of school before the Holidays.

An article on JDCC appeared on the front cover of the Mining Co Guide’s homepage to ‘Deafness/Hard of Hearing’ on the intemet in December. They also listed information on the Jewish Deaf Community. You can see it at deafness.miningco.com/ – (under the week of 12/05/98).

We have very exciting plans for Passover and the High Holidays! We will use a karaoke style multimedia approach during JDCC’s Passover Community Seder on the first evening, March 31st. Reserve the date. We will mail invitations shortly! We also will have special guests lead Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur services this year. More information will be announced after the Seder! If you are interested in being on the Passover or High Holiday Committee, please contact us.

JDCC News Is Looking For New Writers
Interested in writing articles about Jewish Deaf people involved in sports or profiles on Jewish Deaf people? JDCC News has some openings!. Writers can be either Deaf or Hearing. All articles must be submitted with a photo (black/white or color is fine). Anyone out there interested in doing a new feature article that involves interviewing Jewish Hearing People Involved in the Jewish Deaf or Deaf Community? And, of course, we are interested in your proposals for future feature articles!

JDCC’s Mail Box
FAX: 818/845-9936
[email protected]


My name is Jolene Tackett and I am a working interpreter and deaf studies major in Southern California. I recently completed a report with a section about Deaf victims of the Holocaust and would like to learn a great deal more about this atrocity in relation to deaf people. I was writing to ask if you can suggest any sources on this topic. I am looking for any type of information but would really like to find firsthand accounts perhaps on video of deaf individuals sharing their or their families stories. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

Jolene Hackett
[email protected]

To: JDCC News

Thanks for your JDCC News magazine which I received this week and find it very interesting.

Morris Davis was well known in England as he went to Jewish Deaf school in London so I would like to have permission to print the story by Barry Strassler.

I will go to Florida on April and will go on cruise arranged by Barmon tour so would like to have addresses of all Jewish Deaf clubs in Florida. SHALOM AND HAPPY HANUKKAH

Martin Binysk
[email protected]


Dear Sharon,

The newsletter is great. Along with your inclusion of Holocaust Remembrance, I love the fact that my former roommate Barry Strassler writes for you. Thanks! Further, my plan is the sharing of your newsletter with Marcia Josephy of Los Angeles Museum of Holocaust and Freda Sobel at Dallas Memorial Center for the Holocaust Studies. Both are Directors of the Centers. With the complimentary copies, I’ll request $12 a year to cover cost of future issues! Thank you! Shalom.

Richard Fendach
Burbank, CA

To: JDCC News

I was directed to your website and retrieved the above article [History of Deaf Holocaust Victims – May/June 1996].

Imagine my surprise when I read about the plaque on the wall of the Hebrew Inst. for Deaf-mutes because, both my mum and my uncles name are listed. My mum is Anne Senchal (nee Marschner) and my uncle is Horst Marschner.

I would really really appreciate any further info. you can send about this including research materials. My mum knows precious little about her past and she would find it fascinating.

Could you please let me know how you came by this information? Also, please note that there are a couple of typing errors in the article, i.e. “fascit bendits” which should of course be “racist bandits” and my mothers name which is ‘Anne Senchal’ rather than ‘Annie Senchel’. I eagerly await a reply from you.

Gloria Ogborn
[email protected]

To: JDCC News

Hi My name is Lisa and I am a student living in Texas. I need to do a report on two famous Jewish deaf people who are dead. Or two non living Jewish deaf people who had a significant story involving the holocaust. The two people don’t really need to be famous but perhaps two very interesting stories. Maybe someone who was a leader of some sort. I was thinking I would like to do one story about a person in the holocaust and one story about a person who was a leader for the advancement for Jewish deaf people.

I would like to learn more about prominent people in the Jewish deaf community who are no longer living. I think prominent or a past leader is a better word than famous.. Could you please help me with some information? A short biography of each is what I need. Thank you for helping me.

[email protected]

To: JDCC News

Please, do you know of any Cub Scout Packs, Boy Scout Troops, Explorer Posts or the equivalent Girl Scout units established for Jewish deaf youth in the United States or any other English speaking country? Thank you.

Dennis S. Kluk
[email protected]

Published On: 2 Iyyar 5770 (2 Iyyar 5770 (April 16, 2010))