Letters to the Editor

editorA Message From The Editor

Hi Readers!

By the time you receive this issue, it will boo prior Passover. We previously did an article on “The Story of Passover” in Issue #33 of JDCC News. We hope you all have a great Seder this year.

In the past several months I have been hearing some disturbing information regarding the question of whether Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf (TBS) should remain on its own property in Arleta. Apparently membership and revenues are declining because there has been some discussion regarding its survival. Unfortunately information is hard to obtain. After contacting the TBS office to request a press release, we did receive a faxed press release although no contact person was listed and it wasn’t on formal stationery (see page 9).

In the press release, announcement was made that after 34 years, “it is the feeling of the current Board of Directors, that a new location which has better freeway accessibility and which will be more cost effective to operate, can be found.” Arleta, California was never a Jewish community. We hope that TBS eventually finds a more central location that is compatible to the Jewish community.

JDCC does face the same challenge. There are no kosher restaurants, butchers or bakeries in the Burbank, California area where JDCC is located! But we have three Temples – one Reform, one Conservative, and the other is Chabad House which just came to the area and is Orthodox. I would expect that within a few years some kosher places will pop up in the area. The Temple where our Community Seder will be this year will be undergoing renovations as they are also adding a new Religious School building.

May we all continue to grow and expand in serving the Jewish Deaf Community.

JDCC’s Mail Box
FAX: 818/845-9936
[email protected]

Dear Sharon,

We got JDCC News – Jan/Feb, 1999 Issue #38 two days ago (Feb 19th) and we enjoyed reading the newsletter and we like the new format and it’s very newsy and well-informative. Please continue and You-Sharon are doing so well! We met you for the first time at JDC (Jewish Deaf Congress) Convention in Calif. last August, 1998 and we had short acquaintance and find you a wonderful and sweet lady! !

Sharon, we think it will be a good idea to put the expired dates on all addresses-labels so that we and the others will know when to renew like for one or two years, We really do not remember if we paid for one or two years? (We think it’s for two years?).

So kindly, please fax us when we should renew our subscription? Can we get two extra issues free like the first time subscriber? We want to subscribe 14 issues $24.00 (2 issues free)! We’d appreciate it. Also please find out for Barbara’s brother, Robert Lee Siegel who lives in Calif. so that we’d fax him when his expired date so that he can renew! Thanks so much. Take care.

Barbara “Bambi” and Phil S. Weiss
Las Vegas, NV

Editor’s Note: We want to thank you for your input. We agree and will show expiration dates on all labels starting with this issue. The two free issues, however, is only for first-time subscribers.

Hello Sharon and staff writers,

I was recently trying to track down an old copy of JDCC News that had an article about a deaf actor named Spo. I believe that the short article gave an address or e-mail address for the actor. I would like to contact him about classes for my son, David.

If you have access to that information, I would greatly appreciate it if you could “zap” it my way to e-mail [email protected]

Also, many newsletters that I receive have switched to paperless sending in order to save costs. Do you have the capabilities to do that yet? If so, feel free to send me my newsletter by e-mail to save you time and money. Thank you for your help.

Laurie Marmor
West Hills, CA

Editor’s Note: Deaf readers from our survey prefer to receive a physical copy of the publication. Additionally, electronic publishing would not be covered through any revenues and this would jeopardize our survival. And we need to keep in mind that not everyone has computer and modem.

Dear Sharon,

My name is Eleanor Corner and I am working on a book on Jewish Deaf in the Holocaust. As I was doing my research on the internet, I visited your site and read your profile on my aunt, Esther Landman. (Her sister, Doris, is my mother.) There’s a long story there which I would be glad to share with you, if you’re interested. I would greatly appreciate any help you would be willing to offer me to fill in some of the blanks that I have. Thanks for your time.

Eleanor Corner
[email protected]


I am a late deafened Jewish senior widower . I am learning to sign. I would love to meet a single Jewish senior lady who signs, or would like to learn. I live in the Phoenix, Arizona area. Traveling will not be a problem. Thanx for listening.

Len Cooper
[email protected]

Dear Sharon and JDCC News,

Thanks to Adam Stone for writing about How to Purim, Issue #38 Jan/Feb ’99. It was a good explanation on megillah, matanot le-evyonim, mishisch, manot and seuda.

I want to write about my Purim experiences. My substitute teacher chose me to play Queen Esther when I was 15 years old at Jewish deaf school in London. This school was taught in the oral method. The sub teacher named Miss Buckell who is not Jewish and a sweet person. She believed that we shouldn’t use oral with English on stage for Purim play because of speaking Hebrew on old testament. She spoke with Rabbi of London, “What I have got to do with Jewish deaf children without any knowledge of Hebrew conversations for their performance to tell the Purim story?” Rabbi said to her “use gestures”. We did and had fun, it was amusing to us but a wonderful idea! A great memory.

Ruth Morris
Los Angeles, CA

Published On: 2 Iyyar 5770 (2 Iyyar 5770 (April 16, 2010))