Letters to the Editor

editorHi there!

Guess What? New Year’s Eve this year falls on a Friday night! Are you all ready to celebrate the Millennium? Many Jews will observe New Years Eve during Shabbat services!

We have received positive comments to JDCC’s High Holiday service led by Marla Berkowitz who proved to be very vibrant! All in attendance thoroughly enjoyed the prayers, anecdotes and section. It was enlightening to follow a service led by a Deaf person who signed fluently, encouraged everybody to participate, shared stories and experiences. We had some people who came from San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Concord and San Diego. JDCC thanks Berkowitz for her dedication and commitment to increased knowledge. We are also Grateful to Shula & Jeff Dichter far preparing a delicious luncheon!

Don’t forget to visit JDCC’s booth at Deaf Expo ’99 in San Diego, CA on November 20-21st…

JDCC News Policy – we may continue to send issues of JDCC News even after your subscription has expired. This is simply because we want to give you as many chances to renew as possible. When JDCC News does receive your renewal payment, it would apply retroactively to the expiration date.

So if you have put off renewing and then send in a renewal payment, we will still request a renewal on the next original expiration date. In the future we also reserve the right to terminate subscription on or immediately after the expiration date. To avoid missing any issue, your renewal payment needs to reach us before the 15th of the prior month for the following issue.

Dear Sharon,

The story I wrote about Deaf Jews has finally been published in B’nai Brith’s International Jewish Monthly. Didn’t know if you were a member (only members receive this magazine) so have sent you a copy of the story via the mail. Thanks for your help with this. I’ve already had a few responses from people around the country–one in particular asked how to be connected to other Deaf Jews and I referred him to you–hope he gets in touch. Wishing you a happy, healthy new year. Best, Wendy

[email protected]

[Editor’s Note: Her article ‘A Place At The Table’ appeared in the May/June 1999 issue of JDCC News]


I have no idea how to find this information out. I have a deaf daughter and we currently live in Texas. She is a teenager. We will probably move to South Florida either Ft. Lauderdale or Palm Beach County and I am wondering if their are synagogues/temples that offer sign language interpreters every Sabbath during services. Could you tell me how I can find out? Thank you so much.

[email protected]

Dear Sir:

I find your articles very interesting and updated. Keep up the good work. I have been a subscriber for a long time and wonder when is my due date to pay up. Thanks

Morton & Iris Goldstein
[email protected]

Hello. My name is Deborah Greenstein. I am a first-year student at Union County College’s (NJ) Interpreters for the Deaf Program. I am looking for opportunities to volunteer at or attend Jewish Deaf events in my area. I was hoping you could recommend someone with whom I could get in touch to find out about happenings in the NY area Jewish Deaf community. Please let me know if there is somewhere I should call, write, or e-mail. Thank You. Shana Tovah!

Deborah Greenstein
[email protected]

Dear cousin Harold Levy,

Thank you so much for thinking about me during my Bar Mitzvah. Thank you for the donation to the Jewish Deaf Community Center in honor of me. My Bar Mitzvah was very worthwhile. It was a lot of work at the time. If my sister gets Bat Mitzvahed, I’ll probably help her. Again thanks.

Patrick Scott McCutchen
Livingston, MI


I would like to thank you for the article about my uncle Nathan Zimble in your Jan/Feb Issue #38. A point of interest, his son was surgeon general of the navy and my uncle’s greatest pride was his son Jimmy.

Moe Blatt
[email protected]


I enjoyed reading your site. I am an interpreting student at Camden County College in South Jersey. Are there any similar organizations here in the Philadelphia area?? Also, if anyone would be interested in teaching me Jewish religious signing, that would be great, I would love to learn !!

Debbie Warshauer
[email protected]

Cherry Hill, NJ USA


Add me to the list of people interested in prayer signs. Great web site! I Work with Deaf kids in a school setting and will be visiting LA area frequently over next year. Where is the JDCC?

Barbara Stark-Nemon
[email protected]

Ann Arbor, MI USA

To JDCC News Subscribers.

Let us say Mazel Tov to Marla Berkowitz for her leadership at JDCC”s Rosh Hashana services. She gave us very nice service, great philosophy and the group workshops got very interesting from their knowledge by sharing. we want to thanks to Sharon Ann Dror for letting us use her house for the services.

Ruth & Percy Morris
Los Angeles, CA

It’s Time To Help Out… Now!

Dear Sharon,

You know, you have done a fabulous job single-handedly ever since you founded an organization that provided so’ many opportunities for deaf Jewish people not only in the Southland but all over the United States. You have’ gone to great lengths to see that events such as rhythm lectures, high holiday services, monthly international dinners, field trips, Passover Seders, and so on. Also, you have gone outreach to hundreds of people and organizations by doing newsletters on a regular basis. Without any question, people have benefited from these events and these newsletters. We have every reason to applaud you for all your wonderful and endless efforts to hold us together.

We personally have known you for a long time and cherish our friendship ever since then. We witnessed your marriage back in November, 1988 and we are terribly saddened to know that it no longer exists. You have three beautiful children and they need you on daily basis. We can understand perfectly well, coming from where we stand as parents, that dealing with your organization on constant basis can be very burdensome when you need to attend to your children’s needs.

The Rosh Hashana services led by Maria Berkowitz two months ago was inspiring and the group discussion later in the afternoon centered on the concept of volunteerism for your organization. Unfortunately, the participants did not address the issue directly and the future of Jewish Deaf Community Center (JDCC) was clearly at stake. We understand the issue was brought up several times in the past and the result remained the same. We witnessed you expressing your feelings about your current priorities and the urgent need of volunteers for various events.

We understand that you are willing to continue to devote your time with JDCC but limited to the bi-monthly newsletter and the Passover Seder. Even though We perfectly understand your current personal situation, it is with our sadness that you will no longer do anything with other events such as high holiday services, Hanukkah parties, Sukkott gatherings, and so on. We implore that the readers of this letter assess their thoughts about the future of JDCC as well as the need of volunteers to do tasks such as preparing flyers and announcements, finding sites, catering, and so on for the events. Would you kindly please see that this letter be printed in your next newsletter to encourage readers to explore options and brainstorm ideas for future events such as next year’s Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur services? The readers are more than welcome to submit suggestions and ideas no later than the end of this millennium at our e-mail address. It is our sincere hope the future of this organization will remain viable and robust.

Jeff and Shula Dichter
[email protected]

Published On: 2 Iyyar 5770 (2 Iyyar 5770 (April 16, 2010))