Letters to the Editor

editorDear Readers,

We hope you are enjoying Chanukah and wish you Happy Holidays.

We participated at Deaf Expo 2000 with an exhibit space in Long Beach, CA and earned over $300 in sales, thanks to Sanford Pollack who donated some products that JDCC sold to raise funds. Our hearty thanks goes to Rachel Braver, Eric Brody and Francis for volunteering their time at JDCC’s booth.

We are excited to announce that JDCC’s new Five Year Jewish Calendar will be ready in time for the new year. Look out for it in the mail as it will be mailed to all current JDCC News subscribers. Enjoy it! The purpose of this calendar is to make sure that Deaf leaders and organizations do not schedule events that conflict with major Jewish holidays. If you know someone who could benefit from having one, let us know.

JDCC will host its annual Chanukah party on December 23rd. See flyer on page 5 for more information. We hope to see you there!

If you are interested in serving on the 2001 Passover Committee, please contact Rachel Braver, our Public relations person at [email protected]. We are hosting it on the Second Evening in 2001 since the first evening falls on Shabbat. Make a note on your calendar and reserve on April 8th.

You may also want to reserve Sunday, June 3, 2001 for the Valley Jewish Festival. Interpreters will be provided and JDCC will have a booth there. It will be at California State University, Northridge.

Dear JDCC,

I want to share with you regarding Francis Ross Steele’s Bar Mitzvah on April 1st. He was in 7th grade at Maryland School for the Deaf, which followed the hearing curriculum and turned 13 on March 26th. He had been attending Tifereth Israel Congregation every Sunday since he was 7 years old. He wanted to thank Lynn-Golub-Rofrano and Rabbi Seidel for setting up the deaf program for him to expand his Jewish horizon. He also has a great friend who has always been in Hebrew school since he moved there. His name is Jonathan Kessel, and he had his Bar Mitzvah last October.

He would like to thank his tutor, David Kastor, who used to be his teacher at Tifereth Israel and has brought me to the Jewish deaf group, “Our Way.” It is a traveling Jew ish deaf group but even brings people from other states. Last year, my sister, Phyllis and I went to Chicago. Furthermore, I would like to thank my parents for being role models. My Bar Mitzvah was on April 1, 2000. On April’s Fool’s Day-what a thrill! He waited to fool those people who attended his Bar Mitzvah party.

Felece Gelb Steele
Steele. [email protected]


My 14 year old daughter Rachel has had a very strong interest in learning sign for some time and when we asked one of the interpreters at our synagogue where she might be able to begin her introduction to sign, we were told to go to the local community college. Rachel has known how to finger spell for a long time but learning signs was very exciting for her. She had hoped that there might have been some way to volunteer time this summer with a group that provides some service for the deaf community where she could also continue to build her signing “vocabulary” in a more intense, but less formal way. We were not able to find an opportunity like this and the summer will sadly soon be over.

Could you give any advice on where she should seek a more practical curriculum for learning sign rather than a one night a week course that teaches essentials but does not provide the forum to actually use what she has learned? Although my daughter is quite young, she is extremely bright but even more importantly she is mature in many ways beyond her 14 years. Please don’t limit your advice based on the fact that she is not an adult. Thank you very much for any info you can provide.

Kathryn Hess-Kozlow
[email protected]


My hearing toddler understands ASL and German and I’m teaching her Hebrew and Yiddish. Can anyone direct me to a web-site with transliteration or ASL gloss transcriptions between any or all of these four languages? I’ve started my own translations …perhaps someone like interests could share the work…

Jason Bebb
[email protected]

Do you know of any Jewish deaf doing Israeli folk dance, generally or in Pacific Northwest??

[email protected]

I am doing a research on Jewish History. I would like to know how many Jews altogether reside in America Also Deaf Jewish population, their economic status as well. Thanks,

[email protected]

My name is Aleksandr Dolgonos. I am form Ukraine . I am 3 years. I live in Los Angeles. I want to meet girl. Deaf Jewish for relationship I speak Russia sign language and ASL. I am deaf. I want age 24- 28 years.

[email protected]

I am looking for people in the Minneapolis Jewish Deaf community. Does anyone know anyone they can connect me with? Thank you and Happy New Year.

Jenelle Slobof
[email protected]

Published On: 1 Iyyar 5770 (1 Iyyar 5770 (April 15, 2010))