WSJD held a discussion on current elections during its annual meeting at a Seneca Creek State Park barbecue on June 7.
Stephanie Summers, chair of the Nominating Committee, explained to the audience that the seats on the Board are staggered to a three-year term. This process ensures that not all board positions become vacant at the same time to allow for better continuity on the Board.
Each board member can have an opportunity to run again for the second term in the same position. This year, two member-at-large seats were open for nominations for 2015-2016 term.
Terry Bittker and Hillel Goldberg have completed their term as member-at-large. Terry Bittker submitted her nomination to continue through the second term. The vote for Terry was unanimous. Mazel tov, Terry!
The WSJD Board of Directors thank Hillel Goldberg for four years of service as member-at-large.
The WSJD Board is seeking an interested person for the second member-at-large seat. If you have questions or are interested in becoming a member-at-large, contact Stephanie Summers at [email protected].
NOTE: In 2016, the Vice President and Treasurer seats will become vacant. In 2017, the President and Secretary seats will then become vacant. Think about these opportunities that lie in the not too distant future.
Source: Washington Society of Jewish Deaf
Photo: TerryBittker.png
Photo: Terry Bittker, Member-at-Large.