Why are many event announcements old?

editorAnnounce and Publicize your events in Advance! This is a message we say repeatedly to organizations and community leaders.

By the time we receive, or find out about announcements of holiday events and interpreted services, there may not be enough time to post their event information to JDCC News and give you enough time to make your plans, or the events may even have already happened.

If you had wondered why many event announcements you read in JDCC News are old or have already passed — now, you know why! Please tell your local event organizers to inform JDCC News ahead of time!

I know you are frustrated, and we are frustrated also! We depend on people and organizations to inform JDCC of upcoming events. When we find out about their events, we contact them and request that they inform JDCC News ahead of time. Many of these events are planned at last minute without opportunity to announce in advance.

We still publish their events in JDCC News anyway – simply because we want people who live close to their events to know more about their local organization, and hopefully ask them to add advance time in planning and announcing their events!

We request PLEASE – if you want more people to participate – to send your event announcements to [email protected] at least six weeks in advance (or longer).

JDCC News Staff

Published On: 30 Tishri 5773 (30 Tishri 5773 (October 16, 2012))