Tu B’Shevat – First Day of Spring


Tu B’Shevat falls on the fifteenth of Shevat in the Jewish calendar, the first day of spring in Israel. The rainy season has ended. The trees are beginning to bud and fruit begins to grow. It falls well before spring time in North America in late January or February. This year it takes place on Saturday, January 22nd.


This celebration is also known as the ‘Birthday of Trees’. In Israel, it is celebrated by planting trees or seeds. Jewish people around the world also celebrate the holiday by purchasing trees to be planted in Israel. It is a time to express our love of Israel. Many people participate in a Tu B’Shevat Seder where they eat foods that could be grown in Israel. These food would be fruits such as vines, dates, figs, pomegranates, olives and nuts i.e. almonds. We also eat fruit that we have not eaten during the year so we can say the blessing SHEHECHIYANU. In this blessing, we thank G-d for keeping us alive and healthy as a part of His world until this day.

There are seven species of plants that grow in the Land of Israel. They are called the Sheva Minim (seven species):


It is also a custom to eat from fifteen different fruits since Tu B’Shevat falls on the fifteenth day of the month.


Published On: 21 Sivan 5770 (21 Sivan 5770 (June 3, 2010))