One of the nicest traditions on Purim is ‘matanot laeveyonim’, the giving of gifts to the poor. There are three major mitzvots to fulfill during Purim: Listen, Give, Send and Eat.
We listen to the Megillah Reading to relive the miraculous events of Purim by reading the Scroll of Esther.
Gifts to the Needy: Concern for the needy is a year round responsibility for the Jew but especially on Purim, it is a special mitzvah to remember the poor. Give charity to needy individuals on March 21st. The mitzvah is best fulfilled by giving directly to the needy. If you cannot think of poor people, you can put coins in charity boxes. Small children should also fulfill this mitzvah.
On Purim we emphasize the importance of Jewish unity and friendship by sending gifts of food to friends. Send a gift with at least two kinds of ready-to-eat foods such as pastry, grape juice bottle, or nuts to your friend(s) on that day. It is proper that men send to men and women to women. Sending these gifts should be done through a third party. Children, who can send their own gifts of food, would also make great messengers.
During Purim, we eat hamanstaschen, a pastry that represents the three-comered hat that Haman wore. Poppy seeds appear in many foods during Purim. The German word mohn sounds like ha-mon so poppy seeds are cooked and eaten making Haman helpless.