Short film on Holocaust, “Five Needles” in UK

FiveNeedles1Julian Peedle-Calloo, who describes himself as a deaf British Director, shared information with JDCC about his short film, “Five Needles” which has been broadcast on the Community Channel and Film4 in the UK (September 12th).

“The story follows 4 Deaf women in the concentration camps during WW2 who are hiding their Deafness to stay alive. After researching the secrets and accounts from during the war and in concentration camps of the past I soon realised that this was a story that must be told.

“The truth about what happened to the deaf or the disabled is not something that was ever recorded; it is just assumed that persons who fell into this category were automatically gassed and left for dead.
“Only now are there a few cases in America where deaf people have spoken out about what happened to them in the wars and in concentration camps.

“When I discovered this it sparked a thought in me and I started looking further into it

Published On: 3 Tishri 5772 (3 Tishri 5772 (October 1, 2011))