Rabbi Goldhamer: Spirituality session, online

Photo: Rabbi Dr. Douglas Goldhamer, President & Founder, Hebrew Seminary, Professor of Kabbalah/Healing

VIBRATIONS: Communicating with the Angels
Rabbi Dr. Douglas Goldhamer
Tuesday, June 22, 7pm cdt

“If we want to experience the angelic realm, we need to communicate with the Angel’s in their language – the language of Vibrations. We do this by accessing the energetic power of the Hebrew letters. On June 22, I look forward to sharing with you different modalities to enable us to create a unique relationship with the angels.”

Rabbi Dr. Douglas Goldhamer
Just as Americans speak English to communicate with one another and Israelis speak Hebrew, angels communicate through Vibrations. So, it is crucially important for us to learn how to enter into a state of Vibration so that we can become a channel for the healing angels and even a channel for the Presence of God, Adonai, within us. The Sefer Yetzirah recognizes that each Hebrew letter is a vibrational element, differentiated from other letters by frequency. When we learn to raise the Vibrational Level of our cells, through vibrational meditation on the Sefirot, we become in harmony and in balance with God’s corresponding pulsation of Divine Force.

All Sessions are ASL Interpreted & Free.
Donations are appreciated here.

Source: blog.hebrewseminary.org/summer-spirituality-series/

Published On: 21 Sivan 5781 (21 Sivan 5781 (June 1, 2021))