New Torah Celebration Ceremony – Staten Island, NY, Aug 12

The Brooklyn Hebrew Society of the Deaf (BHSD) is hosting a Hachnosos Sefer Torah ceremony on August 12th. It is a ceremony to celebrate a torah for use in its new home.

The ceremony will be held August 12th, 2018 at 9:30am.

Lazarus Residence
19 Bascom Place
Staten Island, N.Y. 10314

10:00AM Begin writing of the letters in the Torah

11:00AM Dance & March
Seudas Mitzvah at Yeshiva Zichron Palteil
278 Harold Street, Staten Island, NY
Refreshments will be served. Hot food & sushi

Sponsored by Yacov and Pamela Lazarus,
Betty Kasher, Benjamin and Barbara Selzer
in loving memory of their parents, mother & husband:

יוסף דוב בן יעקב אליעזר, חנה פרידא בת ישעיה
גיטל בת אהרן צבי
יהודה משה בן צבי, שרה בת בנימין
יהושע אברהם יוסף בן דוד

Source: Brooklyn Hebrew Society of the Deaf, Inc.

Published On: 16 Elul 5778 (16 Elul 5778 (August 27, 2018))