New Officers Elected At Jewish Deaf Congress Conference in Florida

Reports from the Jewish Deaf Congress (JDC) conference in Orlando, FL are starting to come in.

Silver Spring Woman Elected to Head Jewish Deaf Congress
As published in the Washington-Jewish Week July 21, 2011 (page 20)

Karen Alkoby of Silver Spring was elected president of the Jewish Deaf Congress during the JDC Conference June 29-july 3 in Orlando, Fla.

Another Jewish Marylander, Constance Friedman of Pikesvile, has been elected secretary of the national JDC, who mission is to serve persons who are Jewish and Deaf by providing religious, cultural and educational experiences.

Alkoby, an assistant professor of Information Technology at Gallaudet University is a 1984 graduate of the D.C. college for the deaf. She received her master

Published On: 26 Tammuz 5771 (26 Tammuz 5771 (July 28, 2011))