Jewish Deaf Congress Scheduled Speakers

Scheduled to appear during Jewish Deaf Congress Conference “Chicken Soup for the Jewish Deaf Soul: Looking Back, Looking Forward”:

Conference to be held at Hilton Washington DC/Rockville Hotel and Executive Meeting Center in Rockville, MD on August 13-16th.

Brianne Burger
“Deaf Jewish Women – Where is our Support?”

Dr. Irene W. Leigh
“Deaf People: Holocaust Victims”

Karyn Rosner
“Amazing Journey: Discovering Jewish Family Ancestry”

Jacob Salem
“Birthright to Israel”

Davin Searls
“The World Relies on Tikkun Olam
(Repairing the World) and Tzedekah (Charity)”

Kosher meals approved by Rabbi Fred Friedman will be served throughout the conference.

For information:

Source: Washington Society of Jewish Deaf

Published On: 6 Elul 5777 (6 Elul 5777 (August 28, 2017))