Jewish Deaf Congress Conference – Metro DC area, Aug 13-16th

Jewish Deaf Congress Conference - Metro DC area, Aug 13-16th

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“Chicken Soup for the Jewish Deaf Soul: Looking Back, Looking Forward”

Hosted by: Jewish Deaf Congress

August 13-16, 2017

Hilton Rockville, 1750 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852

For information and to register –

Registration: $295 (includes meals, Scotch & Chocolate and Banquet night)

If you register by Sunday, April 30, your name will be entered in a raffle for a free iPad or an Apple Watch. Register now.

Interested sponsors, exhibitors, and advertisers can contact Jeffrey Cohen at


Questions? Email at

Source: Washington Society of Jewish Deaf

Published On: 14 Adar 5777 (14 Adar 5777 (March 12, 2017))