JDRC celebrates 25 years – Oct 10

Jewish Deaf Resource Center (JDRC) president Susan F. Cohen announced that as part of its silver anniversary celebration, they would honor JDRC trailblazers: co-founder and first president Marla Berkowitz, JDC cofounder and part-time executive director Naomi Brunnlehrman and immediate past president Alexis Kashar.

The celebration, “Let’s Celebrate” 25 Years of JDRC Trailblazing” will be held online on Sunday, October 10th at 7pm EST, 6pm CST, 5pm MST, 4pm PST. This online event will have sign language and voice interpretation and captioning.

Shirly Pinto Kadosh, the first Deaf Israeli to be sworn into the Israeli Knesset (parliament) will be keynote speaker.

View flyer – conta.cc/3CNUNSR

To register for zoom webinar link – us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYkcOmqrTsoGNFnWr_qbqmVixME2JcSHp4L

Media: JDRC trailblazers: Marla Berkowitz and Naomi Brunnlehrman JDC co-founders, and past president Alexis Kashar.

Media: JDRC trailblazers: Marla Berkowitz and Naomi Brunnlehrman JDC co-founders, and past president Alexis Kashar.

Donations can be made to JDRC at donatenow.networkforgood.org/JDRCJDRC celebrates 25 years - Oct 10

For information on making a donation or their vision for the next 25 years, email [email protected].


Source: Jewish Deaf Resource Center, Inc.

Published On: 25 Tishri 5782 (25 Tishri 5782 (October 1, 2021))