JDCC Awards And Recognitions

JDCC Community Service Award
This award is to recognize an individual who has made a major contribution to broaden the level of Judaism knowledge and education in the Jewish Deaf Community.


This person has served as a leader in the Jewish Deaf Community on a national level. He was President, Vice President, Chair of the convention, etc. When this person moved to Los Angeles in 2000, he has become an enthusiastic supporter of JDCC and goes out of his way to help in many different ways whether it is simply setting up tables and chairs, laying out food, or going overboard in locating the best bulk mailing program for our needs. This person has also taken over the responsibility of sorting and mailing of every issue of JDCC News, taking it and dropping it off at the Post Office. The person I am talking about is with us today and I could go on and on about his high energy but I think his action speaks for itself. I’m proud Service Award to Kenneth to award the Community Rothschild.

JDCC Achievement Award
In recognition of a person whose outstanding contribution in the Jewish deaf community has made an impact.

This person attended our Rosh Hashana services on September in 1995 with his girlfriend and we had our first chat walking from the services to my house where we were hosting a luncheon. We got to know each other fast as we had some mutual interest going back to my Chabad House days.

He lived an hour and half hour away and has attended our events ever since. He joined our JDCC board in January 1998 as a board member at large.

When JDCC was struggling with the High Holiday services, he was always the one to push for it and made sure we offered this program for the Jewish Deaf Community. He worked with Jeff Lubman, David Rosenbaum for one of the High Holiday services. He coordinated the services last year with his committee members.

A lot of times when a person is behind the scene, we take his help for granted. Today it is the appropriate time to recognize and show our appreciation in front of everyone here in this room for this person who has made his services possible. Let’s all rise and applaud this person as soon as I announce his name. I am sure you all agree that this winner is deserving.

And now the envelope please… the winner is Eric Brody!!!

Resolution presented by Carolyn Kraft

Field Representative for Paul Koretz representing 42nd Assembly District covering West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Westwood, Century City, BelAir, Brentwood, Hollywood, Studio City, Sherman Oaks, Universal City, Hancock Park and West Los Angeles. A passionate advocate for the Jewish community presented JDCC with a beautiful resolution.

“Hello, thank you for having me, I am happy to be here on behalf of Assemblyman Paul Koretz. Ten years ago Jewish deaf people in Southern California were faced with extremely limited opportunities to interact with other Jewish deaf people, and to answer their need, Sharon Ann Dror founded the Jewish Deaf Community Center. Ten years ago who could have imagined that we would all be sitting here today. This organization has filled a void in the lives of many by bringing people together. In these new times we are living in, community and communication are more important than ever before. And it is wonderful to see the results brought about by the hard work, dedication and inspiration of one individual -Sharon Ann Dror.

Assemblyman Paul Koretz takes pride in congratulating Sharon Ann Dror and the Jewish Deaf Community Center on the outstanding services they have provided to the deaf members of the Jewish community and congratulates the Jewish Deaf Community Center on its tenth anniversary. And in honor of this special occasion, I am pleased to present you with this resolution on behalf of the California State Assembly and Assemblyman Paul Koretz”.

Published On: 1 Iyyar 5770 (1 Iyyar 5770 (April 15, 2010))