In Memory of Herman Zolden, Deaf Holocaust Survivor

At the age of 10, Herman went to a boarding school for the deaf in Budapest. In March 1944, the boarding school became the headquarters of Hungarian police officers and then SS headquarters, Herman lived in the sheds near the boarding school and witnessed horror acts by the soldiers and worked days and nights cleaning and serving meals to SS soldiers and so he survived.

In the video Eliran Ben Harush tells in the first person in sign language the touching story of the late Herman Zolden, who died last January at the age of 91.

We will remember and not forget.

The video is in Israeli Sign Language. No English transcript is available.

Thanks to Linoy Zolden, the granddaughter of Herman Z ′′ L for the important documentation, to Eliran who agreed to tell the story in the first body and to Ariel Ben Dayan for the editing. Car Zoldan, Ariel Bendayan, Eliran Ben Harush

Source: The Association of the Deaf in Israel – Facebook

Published On: 20 Iyyar 5781 (20 Iyyar 5781 (May 2, 2021))