Sign Language Around the World with Deaf Rabbis: Happy Chanukah

Deaf Rabbis around the world sign “Happy Chanukah”.

Thank you Rabbi Darby Leigh, Rabbi Rebeca Dubowe, Rabbi David Kastor, Rabbi Fred Friedman, and Student Rav Isser Lubecki.

Jewish Deaf Community Center wishes you and yours a very Happy Chanukah, Hanukkah Samech, and חנוכה שמח

Jewish Deaf Community Center wants to acknowledge and say THANK YOU to all the Deaf Rabbis for making Judaism accessible through sign language to the Jewish Deaf Community.

You are all a rare breed…

Enjoy this special “Happy Chanukah from Deaf Rabbis Around the World” international video! Feel free to share around the world.

Source: Jewish Deaf Community Center

Published On: 27 Kislev 5782 (27 Kislev 5782 (December 1, 2021))