Deaf Temple Celebrates 59 Years!

This month Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf (TBS) in southern California celebrates its 59th anniversary.

“There are hundreds of people who contributed to our founding and the daily operation of our synagogue,” TBS president Joe Slotnick says, “too many to thank individually. We love you all and are so proud and thankful that you are part of our story.”

Deaf Temple Celebrates 59 Years!After 6 years of fundraising, they opened a deaf-owned and operated synagogue which was led by 20 rabbis and student rabbis. After 34 years, they sold the temple to “take on less responsibility for such a large property and to be able to give our attention fully to our Judaism without being overwhelmed by increasing financial worries.

“Our numbers continue to dwindle with time limits imposed on bodies but we remain a cohesive group. The profound love the community has shared with us all these years will forever be etched on our hearts and in our very special documented history. We look forward next year to our Diamond Anniversary!”

Deaf Temple Celebrates 59 Years!


Photo top-left: Dedication ceremony for new TBS home in Arleta in 1966.
Bottom-left: Shabbat Service at TBS circa 1980.
Bottom-right: Rabbi Henkin at TBS’ 50th anniversary in 2010.

Source: Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf


Published On: 3 Tammuz 5779 (3 Tammuz 5779 (July 6, 2019))