BREAKING: Deaf Nurse Wins Court Case

BREAKING: Deaf Nurse Wins Court Case

Photo: Lauren Searls, credit: National Association of the Deaf

January 21, 2016
by Michael Argenyi, MSW

Lauren Searls is a deaf registered nurse (RN), who has used American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters during her nursing education and works at Rochester Strong Memorial Hospital. She graduated from the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing and completed her education at Johns Hopkins Hospital (JHH). She performed admirably during her clinical rotations at JHH, and was offered a position as a clinical nurse. JHH rescinded the job offer following her request for ASL interpreters, citing direct threat to patient safety and cost. Searls filed a complaint of discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities Act. On January 21, 2016, the United States District Court in Maryland ruled in favor of Searls, granting partial summary judgment. United States District Judge Catherine Blake found that Searls has the right to accommodations, including an ASL interpreter, on the job regardless of cost as long as the job duties are not altered or shifted unfairly to colleagues. The overall operating budget of the hospital is relevant, not merely the department or nursing budget to financing the addition of ASL interpreters. Furthermore, the Court found that Searls

Published On: 23 Shevat 5776 (23 Shevat 5776 (February 2, 2016))