  green floral wire
  popsicle sticks (or shoebox)

Knead the clay to soften it. Shape it into small peppers, squashes, pumpkins, and clusters of grapes.

Insert a short length of floral wire into the center ot each fnuit or vegetable and bend the top to make a small hook. Arrange the clay pieces in a glass (not metal or foil) baking dish and bake them according to the directions on the packages. Let the baked pieces cool completely before removing them from the dish.

Building The Hut: you can use either a shoebox or use popsicle sticks and burlap to build the sukkah. Start by gluing the sticks together to fomm open-air frames for the sides, back, and roof. Once the glue dries, stand up the frames and use twine or string to tie them together at the corners. Then glue pieces of burlap onto the sides and back.

Decorating The Sukkah: once the sukkah is complete, your child can hang his fruits and vegetables from the roof by looping twine around the floral wire hooks and then around the popsicle stick rafters. Cut out a bunch of tissue paper leaves. Glue the leaves onto toothpicks, then glue or tie the wooden stems to the roof of the sukkah.

You can even use your child’s doll house accessories to fumish the sukkah!

Published On: 2 Iyyar 5770 (2 Iyyar 5770 (April 16, 2010))