A Deaf Overwatch Fan Seeks To Make The Game More Accessible

ON MAY 13, 2019

14-year-old Danik Soudakoff is looking to make competitive video gaming more accessible for deaf and hard of hearing players. In the recent stage two playoffs of the Overwatch League, Soudakoff was in attendance at the Burbank arena, and he is deaf.

While attending these games, an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter keeps him up to date on the comments made by the announcers. Soudakoff has recently been working towards the creation of new signs meant to assist communication among other ASL users who enjoy Overwatch. His hopes are that Blizzard will implement some improvements in accessibility for those who are deaf or hard of hearing, much in the same proactive manner that Fortnite has.

Source: www.thegamer.com/deaf-overwatch-fan-seeks-to-make-game-more-accessible/

Published On: 3 Sivan 5779 (3 Sivan 5779 (June 6, 2019))