A Deaf Israeli Wins 2012 World Chess Title

YehudaGruenfeldYehuda Gruenfeld of Mevasseret Zion, Israel, has won the World Blitz Champion’s title at the 15th World Individual Championships for the Deaf which took place in Almaty, Kazakhstan, on September 30, 2012.

Gruenfeld produced a perfect record by winning all 11 matches out of possible 11 rounds. There were 24 strong competitors from 12 different countries in the event.

Frenc Frink of Hungary took the silver medal, while Milan Orsag of the Czech Republic captured the bronze medal.

This is the first time in State of Israel’s 64 year-old history that an Israeli won the world’s crown among the deaf persons.

The city of Almaty hosted this year’s event, which was attended by 162 chess players from 27 countries took part in the event. Team Israel sent 9 members to Almaty.




Source: Alex Rakhminovich

Published On: 4 Heshvan 5773 (4 Heshvan 5773 (October 20, 2012))