Since we printed the Jewish Deaf Book Resources article in the March/April 2006 Issue, there are some more books that was not mentioned. Many people have asked for a list of book references that specialize in Judaic sign language, signs for prayers, Israeli Sign Language and the Jewish Deaf Community in a general. Since we printed the Jewish Deaf Book Resources article in the March/April 2006 Issue, there are some more books that was not mentioned.
Other books that mention the Jewish Deaf:
NO SOUND by Julius Wiggins. The Silent Press, Inc. 1970
Deaf Jews: A Double Cultural Minority by Mark Zaurov. Gehörlose Juden. Eine doppelte kulturelle Minderheit von Mark Zaurov October 2003 in German.
Becoming a Bat Mitzvah: A Treasury of Stories by Arnine Cumsky Weiss. Publisher: University of Scranton Press 2004
Stars of David: Prominent Jews Talk About Being Jewish by Abigail Pogrebin. Broadway October 2005
Tales of a Clubroom by Bernard Bragg & Eugene Bergman. DawnSignPress 2006
A New Civil Right Telecommunications Equality for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Americans by Karen Peltz Strauss. Gallaudet University Press 2006
Sands of Time NAD Presidents 1880-2003 by Lawrence R. Newman. National Association of the Deaf June 2006
Missing Books? Let us know if there are other books that may have been overlooked. Just keep in mind that the book has to mention Jewish Deaf.