JDCC’s Annual Rosh Hashana Services
Rosh Hashana is a holiday marking the first day of the Jewish New Year. It marks the beginning of the ten days of repentance which commences with Yom Kippur. We would like to welcome everyone to join the Jewish Deaf Community in celebrating the Jewish New Year.

JDCC’s Guest Speaker
Guest speaker is Erick Posnerof North Hollywood, CA. He has Bachelors and Masters in Geography from California State University, Northridge and is currently working in the Los Angeles Unified School District as Boundary Coordinator. His Jewish background includes religious school at Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf, and had a bar mitzvah.

Erick will speak on “What does it mean to be a Jew?” The meaning and reasons following certain Jewish laws. Understanding and knowing the meanings of our Jewish religion. How do we improve ourselves? Group discussion to follow after guest speaker. Part II will be discussed at Yom Kippur’s Group Discussion.

JDCC’s Services
Over the years, many individuals have created, adapted and modified the JDCC services to tailor the needs for the Jewish Deaf Community. During this year’s services, which will be coordinated and planned by Erick Posner, we will take turns reading from the prayer book. We will tell and discuss stories such as the Binding of Isaac and Jonah. We will reflect upon the year and say prayers for the upcoming year. We will ask for repentance for the things we have done wrong. We will say a special prayer for those who are no longer with us. We encourage everyone that owns a shofar to bring it and all those who want to blow the shofar to blow it at the end of services. Lastly, we will have a luncheon with family and old and new friends.

The JDCC organization is committed toward providing a community for all Jewish Deaf people and their family and friends. We are not affiliated with any specific branch of Judaism and accept all Jewish Deaf people regardless of which branch of Judaism, whether it is Orthodox, Conservative, or Reform. Hearing and non-Jewish spouses and family are most certainly welcome and encourage to participate. Services will be signed and a voice interpreter will be provided. Childcare for children under 6 years old will be provided free of charge. Please inform JDCC by September 23rd if you need childcare services.

Published On: 30 Nisan 5770 (30 Nisan 5770 (April 14, 2010))