
Thank You For Your Contributions!

General Fund
* Hetty Rothenberg
* Alan Rubin – In honor of son Marc Rubin

In Memory of Bernard Bragg and Bummy Burstein
* Lisa Hermatz
* Lauren Maucere
* Susan Cherry
* Barbara Clarke Fleitman
* Lori & Marcelo Tubert
* Susan Margolin
* Bea Worthen Wilhoit
* Boaz
* Terila Landfair
* Henry
* Heidi Booth
* Alan Schwartz
* Albert Walla
* Charles Katz
* Sandra Bojorquez
* Carole Ann and Todd Bader
* Shmuel Khorsandi
* Beverly Nero

Support JDCC Today!
JDCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and relies completely on donations to cover all operating costs. To see current list of JDCC Funds and make a contribution, DO A MITZVAH!

Published On: 1 Shevat 5779 (1 Shevat 5779 (January 7, 2019))