
Thank You For Your Contributions!

In Memory of Bernard Bragg and Bummy Burstein
* Hetty Rothenberg
* Tina Jo & Joe Dannis
* Anthony Natale
* Shula & Jeffrey Dichter
* Vanessa Vaughan
* Lynne & Phil Jacob
* Modela Kurzet
* Bruce Gross
* Michelle Nemetz
* Daniel McClintock
* Diane Dror
* Abigail & David Longo
* Keith Henry
* Sanaz & Delbert Whetter
* Liz Tannebaum & Paul Maucere
* Patti Shawn
* Denise & Robert Sidansky
* Marsha Vae Goeken
* Cathy McLeod
* Shaina Ghodsi
* Steve Merkin
* Joseph Slotnick

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JDCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and relies completely on donations to cover all operating costs. To see current list of JDCC Funds and make a contribution, DO A MITZVAH!

Published On: 23 Kislev 5779 (23 Kislev 5779 (December 1, 2018))