Do you notice something about all the kosher Menorahs from all over the world? Of course, besides the 8 candle holders for oil or wax plus the shamash (servant)… There are some 7 candle holder menorahs without a shamash – it is a symbol of the menorah once standing in Jerusalem’s temple. Back then, it was lit by the High priests, ‘Kohanim’, every evening, using oil to burn it. Yes, there are specific rules when designing menorahs. According to Jewish law, the eight candles of the menorah must be arranged in a straight line, not set in a semicircle. Similarly, the menorah’s lights should be level or on an even slant, not some randomly higher than others. There is an image of a I Love You menorah going around – the candles on top of the ILY fingers would not be acceptable… Instead, they could put the candle holders in front on the bottom in a straight line. We do not know who designed this artwork so if you know, please let us know. So far, I know of one Jewish Deaf artist that has made ceramic menorahs – Ellen Mansfield of Maryland – see photo of the orange/yellow/blue menorah with a dreidel. Happy Chanukah and enjoy! 🕎

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Published On: 11 Nisan 5781 (11 Nisan 5781 (March 24, 2021))