I am making videos to publish with my book called _The work of our hands: Sign Language interpreting in Jewish settings [Ashkenaz]_. Not all of the signs are Jewish, but they will appear in my ASL translation of Jewish prayers, which is a work in progress that you can see at www.theinterpretersfriend.com/jushscrpts/twooh/intro.html. Here is a list of the signs that appear on this video so that you can see if any of them might be of interest to you. Some will be relevant to my translation of songs on my website www.theinterpretersfriend.com/songs/toc.html and some might be of general interest. This collection would be too overwhelming as a way to learn Jewish signs, so if that is your intention, see my other YouTube videos called “Jewish signs an educated interpreter should know”. Besides the signs that appear in my translation of the various services, I have included signs for terms that might come up as part of a drasha (sermon), shiur (religious classroom learning), or other presentation about Jewish topics. If the word is all uppercase (for example AARON), then it is a gloss that appears in this book. If it is not (for example Acre), then it is a term that might appear in a Jewish setting, but is not in my translations per se. CHIEF Children of Israel chilul (hilul) haShem chiuv, chov, chovah, hiuv, hov, hovah Chochamot, Hokhamot chok, chukim, hok, hukim Chol (Hol) haMoed cholent, tsholnt, chamin, hamin Chumash, Humash chuppah, huppah chutzpah, hutzpah CIRCULAR-WALL CIRCULATE CIRCUMCISE CLAPPER-RING CLEAN-UP CLOSER-AND-CLOSER CLOUDS CLUELESS COAST cohen, cohanim, kohen, kohanim cohen gadol, kohen gadol COINS COLLAPSE COME-ON COMFORT COMPASSION/ATE COMPLETE CONCEIVE concentration camp CONFESS CONFRONT CONGREGATION CONNECTED CONQUER consecration Conservative CONSIDER CONSPIRE CONSUME CONTRIBUTE CONTROVERSY CONVERSE conversos CORN COUNSEL count the Omer COVENANT COVER COVER-UP covet COWARD CRACKED CRASH CRASH-ON-ROCKS CRAZY-FOR CREATE Creation (the things God made) Creation, the act of CRIPPLED CROSS-OVER CROWDED CROWN CRUSH CRUSHED

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Published On: 11 Nisan 5781 (11 Nisan 5781 (March 24, 2021))