Dear Readers,
Our 10th Anniversary Banquet was a milestone. We thank everyone who attended or supported the celebration. I look forward to continuing for another ten years! Copies of the informative JDCC 10th Anniversary program book can be ordered on page 10. We are still accepting donations in honor of JDCC’s 10th Anniversary.
Possible Joint Seder In 2003?
A subcommittee composed of people representing Temple Beth Solomon for the Deaf (TBS) and JDCC met on June 9th. Meeting was extremely productive with both sides agreeing to consult with their boards for approval to proceed with a joint Seder. JDCC representatives are Ruth Morris, Jeff Lubman and David Rosenbaum. More details will follow in future issue of JDCC News.
It may be hard to believe it but it is already time to start preparing for the High Holidays! Details on JDCC’s High Holiday service is available on page 11. Don’t forget to make your Yizkor donation in memory of your beloved ones on page 15.
As the High Holidays will be around the time when the next issue of JDCC News comes out, I wish you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year and have an easy fast on Yom Kippur. And have fun eating in the Sukkah and carrying the Torah on Simchat Torah.
May You Be Sealed For A Good Year!
This is great. I am wondering if anyone knows of a Interpreter training program in or near San Francisco, I only just moved here and looking for a great school nearby?
Thank you!
San Francisco, CA USA
Dear Sharon Ann:
As you must remember last year you kindly published a very interesting article about our deaf group in Argentina. We did not want to lose contact with you since many people from different cities in America were touched by the article and took contact with us. As you must know the economic and social situation in Argentina got to a terrible crisis that affects the whole society, unemployment rose to more than 200, and people living below the poverty line amount to almost half of the population.
At our Comunidad Bet El, we continue with the group’s educational activities but we are also driven by the general situation to contemplate the social and economic problems of each one of our deaf group. Currently some of them are jobless and since they are skilled professionals, computer scientists, architects, I thought that may be their curriculum would be of interest to many organizations or individuals in the US. Please tell me if JDCC could give us a hand by publishing or distributing their resume. Thank you very much for any help you could give us in this aspect. Kindest regards,
Isabel Aacher
[email protected]
Dear Sharon,
As I am a long-time deaf-legally blind member of JDCC with Ushers syndrome, I have found out that JDCC News has been very informative and enlightened the whole deaf and hearing Jewish community alike as some hearing impaired Jewish people would deserve better self-education of Judaism through your organization.
My wife, Sharon and I had been attended both of your JDCC’s recent two events, Community Seder and Tenth Anniversary Banquet brunch. I found out that the Seder was such a true blast with the new record-breaking crowd. Its service was such unique with such good koshered food.
The recent anniversary banquet was such truly fabulous along with two special award recipients, Marlee Matlin and Rachel Braver. The brunch buffet was unbelievably lavish with such generous delicious food. The drama program was so marvelous, especially the Soudakoff children as Sharon had deserved a successful hardworking. Their play roles were very shiny beautiful.
Sharon and I want to thank Richard Fendrich and Shari Eckstein for their great patient of tactile interpreting as they would like to desire the appreciative credibility toward their bright futures of successes!
I would like to ask both of Sharon Dror and her JDCC to start the new next decade with the better accessibility and services toward the deaf-blind Jewish people and their loyal friends and volunteers as they would like to deserve the new positive, bright steps toward their future lives with better socials and education. I would like to encourage the whole Jewish community to help the deaf blind people. Thank you for the new supports of this group and keep up good efforts.
Thank you so much, again for hosting two recent wonderful two events which really benefit me.
Scott Seigal
[email protected]
JDCC Five Year Calendar Correction:
Please note an error for Shemini Atzeret 2002 and 2004.
The correct dates are:
September 28-29, 2002
October 2-3, 2004
JDCC apologizes for the oversight.