Ruth Sinai, correspondent with the Ha’aretz newspaper in Tel Aviv says that negotiations between the Treasury and Deaf people broke down May 22nd when they failed to agree on a “Communications Basket” allowance. This allowance funds communication needs of Deaf Israelis including fax paper, batteries for hearing aids, vibrating doorbells and other communication devices that supplement or replace hearing loss. Deaf Israelis are requesting NIS 450 while the Treasury wants to offer NIS 200 for employed deaf people and NIS 130 for unemployed deaf people. The breakdown followed two meetings and Deaf people have been protesting and striking opposite the Finance Ministry for 18 days blocking reads and burning tires. “There is an agreement on the types of assistance for the deaf, the question is on how much,” said Yehezkel Bakel, deputy director general of the National Insurance Institute, who took part in the negotiations.

The Treasury has indicated willingness to comply with other demands including increasing hours of interpreters from 16 to 50 hours and increase refunds on hearing aid purchases. Aharon Eini with Association of the Deaf says the protests are meant to prevent government ministers from driving by at high speeds and ignoring them.

Published On: 1 Iyyar 5770 (1 Iyyar 5770 (April 15, 2010))